Friday, November 03, 2006

Internet Governance Forum - Athens

The worlds leaders in Internet Governance met in Greece this last week for the first Internet Governance Forum. Anyone interested was invited to participate online. I tried, but without success so I sent the organisers an email with some concern...

I checked into the website hoping to participate or observe the proceedings in Athens today and tomorrow.

I find it extremely ironic that you indicated FOUR channels in which I would have been able to actively participate (i.e webcast, chat, forums and wiki) but NONE of them function for me. I do not know the reason or reasons although I sense that they are multiple.

The irony is that openness and accessibility and diversity requires reliable, interoperable, scalable and standards compliant systems. These are clearly not in place and until they are you cannot fairly address the principles of openness or accessibility or diversity or security.

You are, and have the leaders of the Internet Community in Athens, and access to the best intelligence, knowledge, systems and the worlds resources. I am certain that you can resolve what many small organisations in Africa (such as ours) can do with little and scarce resources.

Please forgive me for my cynicism.


Blogger Alan Levin said...

Turns out that I wasn't the only Cynic regarding the IGF. A glimpse inside the real IGF, "nice snaps with childish captions" by Kieren McCarthy on the Register is definitely worth the read. Seems like Internet access and web site availability was the least of their problems.

8:15 am  

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